Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Wednesday 24th September 2014

This week Room 10 have been doing 1 or 2 challenges each day, the first day we had to make and fly a paper airplane the next day (yesterday) we did the ultimate paper scissors rock competition, and musical chairs.Today we had a quiz and musical bumps, each competition there will be a winner the person with the most wins, wins a smiggle voucher:)

On Tuesday the 23rd of September it was the arts vest night and alot of people came!
Everybody did such a fantastic job:)

Friday, 29 August 2014

Lately room 10 have had there assembly they did a food challenge students vs Teachers in this challenge they had to eat:

  • beetroot   
  • raw onion 
  • and olives 
The students got there come back and won by 1 point the teachers were:

  • Matt
  • James
  • and Erin

In Te Reo we have learnt the weather and seasons

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Today, (Monday 18th August 2014)

We learnt how to write and read a news report in the space of 45 minutes 
we also learnt
-how to speak in front of an audience 
-how to do skimming and scanning
-to make the audience enjoy it!
there's more but if i did say them all we would be here all day!?

Room 10 have also been learning Spanish we have learnt 
-pizza/la pizza
-and simple words like.../y las palabras simples como
-am/en la

Tomorrow we have got our assembly:) 
Room 10!?!!??

Monday, 11 August 2014

Hi Readers!!

Sorry it's been a while, The Den have been SUPER BUSY since Term 2, we have had our Trash to Fashion, Fashion Show at school which was a huge success and it was AWESOME to see all the hard work from our Rich Task Inquiry 'When Does The Ordinary Become the Extraordinary?' over two terms come together on the runway.

We have started our new Rich Task Inquiry question 'The Commonwealth, Why Bother?' and are currently researching information about specific Commonwelath countries to widen our perspective on the world around us.

We also have our second Room 10 Assembly coming up next week and are currently coming up with fun ideas to make it even better than our first!

Balmoral's Got Talent is currently searching for stars for our up coming show this term and we have our very own dance group auditioning to be involved, fingers crossed for you girls!!!

Room 10 will be back to update you super soon!!!

Over and out... The Den's Blog Master!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Dear Blog readers:

I am so sorry that we have not been able to get any photos of us up on here yet, we have been trying our hardest but we just couldn't figure it out.

As some of you may know we are coming near the end of Term 1! Goodbye Term 1 and heeelo Term 2! Just 4 more school days!

We have recently just done the schools cultural mufty day, we saw capes, hats, skirts, face paint, and you name it! During cultural mufty were supposed to have a game of Killikiti so the teams of students, could play against the team of teachers! (I think that the students would of won lemon squeasy!) but unfortunately when the games were about to get started it starting pouring down, getting the students running to their class, and the megaphone shrieking that the game was cancelled.

On Tuesday next week, the school has the Bunny Hop, where the primary school kids can do as they please, as the intermediate kids help out.


Sunday, 9 March 2014

Hello The Den blog readers!

As some of you may know the yr 7's of Balmoral have recently been on CAMP! If there are any balmoraller peeps that are reading this could you please leave a comment saying how you enjoyed camp a lot, or even how you hated it! \

Don't worry I will definitely have some extraordinary photos of camp up here soon!

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Hello Readers!

Bob the Den class mascot has a friend! I would like to introduce to the one and only Bobette! She is pink, and so excited to have made to the Den to meet Bob.

As some of you may know, we are going to camp on Tuesday the 4th of March, YIPPEE! We are there by bus for a looooong journey of 1-2 hours, where we will pitch the tent and start the fun!

Did you know that Bob and Bobette is an actual French comic book! How weird is that...